Ako | Learn
We know that our teachers in schools throughout New Zealand are calling out for teaching resources in te reo Māori or about kaupapa Māori. Our mission as part of this project is to help fill that gap. We have worked with Grant and Gaynor Hakaria who have decades of teaching experience in mainstream, bilingual, and immersion settings. With their support we have created a suite of resources for each of our animations to support kaiako, teachers and parents to pass on the learnings in our pūrākau to tamariki in kura and at home.
These rauemi can be adapted to suit all learning levels, and can be delivered in any setting. They are designed to learn and reinforce the key vocabulary, characters and main ideas from the pūrākau. The teacher notes suggest curriculum links and possible further exploration.
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Hō. 9: Tūtohu Whenua
He kōrero tēnei mō te waka atua o Araiteuru, me te wāhi ki a ia i te auaha i ngā tūtohu whenua o Te Waipounamu. I raro i te mana o Hipo, i kawe mai a Araiteuru i te kūmara me te taro ki Aotearoa, ki Te Waipounamu anō hoki. Heoi i raruraru te waka i tētahi āwhā nui, ka tūpoki te waka ki Matakaea. Kei kōnā tonu i te rā nei. Ko ētahi o ngā kaumoana o te waka, ko ngā utanga anō i ngaro ki te moana, ā, ka huri hei tūtohu whenua. Ko Aoraki me tōna whānau ētahi i huri hei maunga, ko rātou tērā ko Kā Tiritiri o te Moana.
Ep. 9: Tūtohu Whenua
This is the story of the waka Araiteuru and the role it played in shaping the landscape of Te Waipounamu. Led by navigator Hipo, Araiteuru successfully introduced kūmara and taro to Aotearoa and Te Waipounamu. Araiteuru faced disaster during a treacherous storm and eventually capsized at Matakaea, where its upturned hull is still visible. Crew members and cargo were lost overboard and transformed into significant landmarks, including Aoraki and his whānau who transformed to become Kā Tiritiri o te Moana.
Hō. 7: Hinerongo rāua ko Tūteurutira
Ka noho atu a Ngāti Kurī ki te pā o Kaihinu i Te Waipounamu, ka tū atu he riri ki a Rangitāne. Ka pāhuatia tētahi pā o Rangitāne. I reira ka mauheretia tētahi wahine, ko Hinerongo. Nāwai ka mōhio a Tūteurutira he wahine rangatira tērā nō roto o Ngāti Māmoe. I whakatau ia kia whakahoki atu a Hinerongo ki tōna anō iwi. I tū ngātahi atu a Tūteurutira ki a Ngāti Māmoe kia whai utu, he mōrearea engari i roto i ēnei mahi āpea ka tau mai he rangimarie, āpea he whakauru hou.
Ep. 7: Hinerongo and Tūteurutira
After settling at Kaihinu Pā in Te Waipounamu, Ngāti Kurī faced conflict with Rangitāne. During a raid, they unknowingly captured Hinerongo, a Ngāti Māmoe woman from an important family. Realizing her true identity, Tūteurutira, a Ngāti Kurī chief, took her back to her people. He worked with them to take vengeance, a risky journey that turned into an opportunity for peace and alliances.
Hō. 8: Ngā Utanga
o te Waka
Nei te kōrero mō te waka atua o Araiteuru. Nāna te kūmara me te taro i kawe mai ki Aotearoa, ki Te Waipounamu anō hoki. I raro i te mana o Hipo, i tere atu te waka ki Hawaiki, ā, i whakahoki mai i ngā tipu hei whakatō ki te whenua nei. I raruraru te waka i tētahi āwhā nui o waho o te wahapū o te awa o Waitaki. Ka ngaro atu ngā utanga ki te wai, ā, ka korara atu ki Koekohe, ki Kātiki, ki Whatapāraerae. Ka tūpoki a Araiteuru ki Matakaea, ā, kei kōnā tonu i te rā nei.